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Entertaining Possibilities

Lauren Phillips-Freeman
2 min readJun 2, 2023


Part of me thinks that if I entertain them-
this ragtag bunch of possibilities and worst-case scenarios-
they will not come for me later on,
as if by acknowledging them
I can stave them off indefinitely,
after all, they cannot catch me off-guard if I am waiting for them,
and so I invite them in,
wine and dine them,
commit their faces to memory,
and convince myself that if I look them in the eye,
they cannot kick my door in further down the line.

Some of them will come eventually, of course,
some of them already have,
Lady Grief is a permanent guest at my table,
it was she who taught me that the worst can happen,
does happen,
will happen again,
only fools think she cannot touch them,
that they can put off meeting her indefinitely,
or that she will wait until old age is reached,
she comes when she chooses,
and once she is there,
she never leaves.



Lauren Phillips-Freeman

Lauren Phillips-Freeman is a language teacher and writer with a love of words in all their forms. She uses writing to help her process her own tangled emotions.