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Three major life decisions I’ve made because of books

Lauren Phillips-Freeman
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


1) Choice of second language at university

My decision to study Russian as my second foreign language was down to a combination of things. One of those was Mrs. Pearce, a French teacher who covered a few of our A-level classes back in the day. At the time, I was toying with the idea of doing Spanish or Italian, but Mrs. Pearce told me that if I could speak one romance language, I would be able to pick up the others without any real difficulty. She would be proved right five years later when I did eventually start learning Spanish. She advised me to go for something a bit different, something that would make me stand out more. Languages like Mandarin and Japanese didn’t really appeal to me, so it was a case of finding something that did.

It was Kate Furnivall’s novel, The Russian Concubine, that first put the idea of studying Russian into my head. I’d read it a few months earlier and fallen utterly in love with the feisty Lydia Ivanova. Back then, the transcribed lines of Russian dialogue were nothing but collections of random syllables to me. I never seriously imagined that a time would come when they would make perfect sense. Now I can not only understand them; I can point out the places where I would have translated things slightly differently and explain why. The novel was my first foray into Russian history and culture, and…



Lauren Phillips-Freeman

Lauren Phillips-Freeman is a language teacher and writer with a love of words in all their forms. She uses writing to help her process her own tangled emotions.